
Regional Dialogues

The Datasphere Initiative is mapping key data governance trends taking place across regions. 

This started with an analysis of the European Union Data Governance Act (DGA) and the Data Act (DA) and what this means for the Datasphere – the complex system encompassing all types of data and their dynamic interactions with human groups and norms.


Europe Dialogues

Europe dialogues kicked off with a report mapping some key reflections on how the European Union and non-EU member states are approaching data governance. While non-exhaustive, the report attempts to analyze some key trends and offer insights on how approaches to data are having an extraterritorial impact.


To launch the report the Datasphere Initiative joined forces with the Centre for IT & IP Law (CiTiP) at KU Leuven University to host a webinar on “Responsibly unlocking the value of data in Europe: Impact on emerging technology and the global majority”, which took place on Thursday, July 6. By bringing together policymakers, private sector professionals, academics, and representatives from civil society, our objective is to initiate a meaningful dialogue on the European data strategy, its norms, and the implications it holds for emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence. 


LAC Dialogues

In Latin America and the Caribbean the Datasphere Initiative has partnered with Comisión Económica de las Naciones Unidas para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL), Banco de desarrollo de América Latina (CAF), Cetic.br/NIC.br, Comunidad Técnica de Internet, in collaboration with Agencia Para el Desarrollo del Gobierno Electrónico y la Sociedad de la Información y el Conocimiento (Agesic) and Centro de Estudios en Tecnología y Sociedad (Cetys) on the School on Digital Transformation and Innovation in Latin America and the Caribbean

The Datasphere Initiative has been a co-organizer of this program in the 2022 (Uruguay) and 2023 (Brazil) editions. The program gathered policy- experts and professionals, and researchers interested in learning about the role and impact of innovation and digitalization on the development of the region. 


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