About us
The Datasphere Initiative is a non-profit dedicated to global collaboration on technical and policy solutions for the urgent, multidimensional, and cross-border challenges of data governance.
We do this by connecting and amplifying voices from stakeholders from across sectors, conducting research on concrete data challenges and opportunities, experimenting with policy and technical data-sharing solutions and working with decision makers to enact change in data governance narratives, policies and strategies.
Build agile frameworks to responsibly unlock the value of data for all.
A collaboratively governed datasphere that improves people’s lives and helps humanity deal with global challenges.
Bring a new, holistic and positive approach to the governance of the Datasphere.
Provide a platform to unlock the social and economic value of data access and use.
Improve coordination and accelerate the adoption of concrete proposals to overcome the current tensions and polarization around data.
Produce evidence-based analysis on data policy issues.
Catalyze human-centric technical, policy, and institutional innovations.
Our Values

We understand that real progress in addressing long-term challenges takes time and sustained iterative efforts.

Our debates, analysis and proposed solutions address concrete challenges and opportunities, both current and emergent.

We strive to advance autonomy and self-determination for individuals and groups by sharing the information and tools needed to enable well-informed decisions for all.

We believe solutions are better designed and actioned upon when all impacted stakeholders are involved and collaborate in developing them.

We dare to creatively challenge conventional wisdom, including our own, promoting experimentation at every level, from moonshot ambitions right down to organizing our daily work.

We believe in the capacity of everyone to contribute and we provide a safe space for an inclusive and systemic debate on the inter-connected issues our global civilization faces.
The Datasphere Initiative has been incubated by the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network – a multistakeholder organization addressing the tension between the cross-border nature of the internet and national jurisdictions. Read more about the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network here.
April 2021
June 2021
September 2021
December 2021
April 2022
September 2022
Annual report 2022
This annual report presents the organization’s learnings, impact and what is coming next.
Where we are
The Datasphere Initiative is a not-for-profit foundation headquartered in Switzerland with a global footprint.
Job opportunities
Join our global team and champion the mission of the Datasphere Initiative.