
Data Privacy Global Conference

Data Privacy Brasil Education and Data Privacy Brasil Research Association
November 7, 2022
São Paulo, Brazil

In 2022, privacy and data protection are no longer niche topics. From public policies to leisure experiences, passing through the giants of the global economy, data analysis is today the primary source of knowledge, revenue, and competitive differential for public and private actors. In this context, discussing the rules for the use of technologies and data means discussing what parameters of justice we want for society.

The Data Privacy Global Conference (DPGC) was born as an event for this purpose: to debate from which parameters we want to build our future technologies.

Data Privacy Brasil Education and the Data Privacy Brasil Research Association join their expertise to hold the main event on privacy, data protection, and regulation of new technologies in Brazil. From a multistakeholder perspective and with a view to the Global South, these organizations intend that the DPGC is the forum where professionals, researchers, and decision-makers come together to debate border issues and propose ways for social justice and technology regulation to move forward together.

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